:*~*:,_,:*~*:,_,::7th grade students with Steven *~*:,_,:*~*:,_,:



(空いている日が8月1日の夜しかないということで、急遽 木曜のクラスにも参加してもらうことに!)



“I want the Dokodemo Door (a magic door through which we can go to wherever we want).”

”I like the Moshimo Box (a magic telephone box which can make all our dream come true)”.

ちなみに Steven がほしいのは
“I wish I had the Honyaku Konnyaku, then I could communicate with not only the Japanese people but also the other people all around the world without any problems.! “
“Me, too!!” 全員 大きくうなずいてました。私もほし~~~い (*^^)v
Thanks for joining us, Steven. You are awesome and we really had a great time with you!!