TAGAKI Advanced 1 Three Reasons の進め方

TAGAKI Advanced シリーズは、TAGAKI50までの進め方と変わってきます。



‘Three Reasons’ では、当校生徒は、TAGAKIシリーズを上ってきていますので、さっさと自分の意見を書けてしまします。そこで、「英文レベルを上げ、考える力を鍛え」に特にフォーカスしてこなしてほしいと思います。


2分間Listeningー>2分間Thinkingー>3分間writing ー>スピーチへ


Listeningタイム 2分間

音源を聞きながら、Key Words , Useful Exprssions に印をつける。自分で読む。音源と一緒に読む

Thinking タイム 2分間


Writing タイム 3分間



Topic 5 Cycling or Running

Key words, Useful  expressions

R1: You can imagine yourself as a superhero when….

You happily fly past everyone

R2: The fact is you can travel farther on   than on

You can see more things and meet more people.

R3: You can carry things on That is a big advantage     You can take    and most importantly

My opinion

I really prefer cycling to running.

is both fun and good exercise

Running EX 1

Why running may be better than cycling.

R1: You can imagine yourself as an Olympic runner when you run.  You happily fly past everyone who walk on the street.

R2: The fact is you can start running anytime without anything. But, you need a bike when you want to ride on it. You can see more things and meet more people whenever you want because you can stop running as soon as you like.

R3: You can have a nice training for your healthy body even when you do not have much time. That is a big advantage. Running for a short time is still hard work. So, you may have a good exercise for your healthy life.

My opinion

I really prefer cycling to running. Cycling for a while is both fun and still good exercise.  Running is just hard work even fore 15 minutes. It is not for me.
