Happy New Year!!

Hi, everyone! Well, it’s a new year. I’m sure that I’ll type and write “2010” aobut a hundred times more before it sinks in that it’s now 2011.

I hope that everyone had some quality family time over the holiday. I know that, here in Japan, New Years is a time for the family to get together, eat a lot of “big bento” and relax. Is your battery recharged? Are you ready to go back to work and school?

What happened to Nagasaki’s warm and mild winters? Could you believe the snow we got? I think that the timing was perfect for the kids. They could go out and make snowmen and the parents could do the housekeeping. I made a very small snowman (about a foot tall) in Sasebo. Stay close to your heaters and don’t catch a cold!

To update you on my picture book: “Hermie and the Animals’ Mixed-Up Ears”…. a little over half of the book is illustrated. Right now, the cover is being designed. I Skyped with the illustrator in South Africa for about an hour, and we have a plan. She’s working hard, and we might have a finished book in February. I’ll keep you informed.

Happy New Year, everyone, and may it be a peaceful one. We’re looking forward to seeing all of you in class!