Fall is in the Air!

Where has the Summer gone? Two weeks ago, it was so hot that we needed the air conditioner day and night. Now? My windows are open and I’m enjoying the cool breezes.

I like Fall almost as much as Spring. In America, Fall is when the leaves turn from green to yellow, red and orange. Kids prepare their Halloween costumes. Apple cider is a popular drink. Gardens are harvested, scarecrows appear on lawns, and football is on the TV! We have Halloween night and, soon, Thanksgiving to look forward to. I really like Fall.

Here in Omura, we’ve put out some Halloween decorations. I know that, unfortunately, the doorbell won’t ring on October 31st, signalling the arrival of dozens of kids dressed as witches, monsters and super heros. No one will be yelling, “Trick or treat!” I miss that. Halloween in America is a night that encourages the creativity of children, causes excitement, and brings a community together. I wish it would catch on here in Japan. Emi and I will continue to do our part to make it more popular!

October is a busy month for our school. I’ll travel to Iwakuni for two nights to discuss my book in 6 presentations at the military base there. Eiken is just a few weeks away, too. The time just flies, doesn’t it?

I know that many of the students have Sports Day this weekend, and I hope that you have great weather and that you do your best to represent your schools. I know that you have been practicing hard (I see your suntans!) and I hope that you will be successful in your efforts!

Have a great Fall, everyone!