No.6 What? This is....
(1) バトンとして用意した物の名前を全員が言えるように練習する。
(2) ゲームの説明の際、1チームを除き、ほかのチームは列に並んだまま床に座るよう指示し、立っているチームに説明通りに実演させる。
(3) すべてのコミュニケーション指導でいえることだが、指導者のデモンストレーションが鍵となる。バトンを渡す際の “This is ....” や、最初にバトンを受け取る際の “What?” のイントネーションおよび eye contact を少々大げさに示し、このゲームのポイントを明確にする。どんなゲームでも同じだが、指導者の印象的なデモンストレーションがクラスの雰囲気を盛り上げる要素にもなる。

●簡単な指導者用の英語 、生徒が使う英語

T: Let’s play a game called, “What?”
Ss: That sounds great!
T: There are 24 students here, so let’s make 3 groups of 8 students.
I will give you a number, so remember your number.
That’s your group number. Are you ready?
Ss: Ready!
T: All right. One, two, three, one, two . . .(生徒の肩を軽く叩きながら、一人ひとりに(1)から(8)までの番号を知らせていく)
T: Group One members, line up here, please. Group Two members, line up here. And Group Three members, line up here.
Ss: (指導者の指示にしたがい、各グループ、縦1列に並ぶ)
T: Group Two and Group Three, sit down, please. Group One will practice the game, “What?” first, and all of you can see how to play.
T: (グループ1の最後列に立っている生徒 に向って)Maki, you’re the first player. The first player is at the back, OK?
S1: OK.
T: Kaori, you are the last player. The last player is at the front, OK?
S8: OK.
T: Great! Look at this!(定規を見せながら)In English, we call it a “ruler.” This is a ruler. And this ruler is a baton for this game. Maki, you pass this ruler to the player in front of you, Takeshi, and say, “This is a ruler.” Maki, look at Takeshi and what do you say?
S1: This is a ruler.(前に立っている生徒にバトンを渡す)
T: Good job! Then Takeshi, you take the ruler, but ask Maki, “What?” and you pass the ruler back to her. Takeshi, give the ruler back to Maki. What do you say?
S2: “What?”(最後列の生徒にバトンを戻す)
T: Good. Maki, take the ruler and now return it to Takeshi. Again say, “This is a ruler.”
S1: This is a ruler.
T: Good. Takeshi, this time you take it and pass it to the person in front of you, to Shihori. When you pass it to her, you say, “This is a ruler.” She takes it from you, but she gives it back and what does she say?
Ss: What?
T: Exactly! Shihori, you turn around and pass it to the person behind you, to Takeshi, and ask, “What?” Takeshi, you take it and pass it back to Maki and again ask, “What?”
S2: What?(バトンを最後列の生徒に戻す)
T: Now Maki, you take it and pass it to the front, to Takeshi again, saying, “This is a ruler.”
S1:(後ろから2番目に立っている生徒にバトンを渡しながら)This is a ruler.
T: Excellent! And Takeshi, you pass it to the front, so what do you say?
S2: (前に立っている生徒にバトンを渡しながら)This is a ruler.
S3: (前に立っている生徒にバトンを渡しながら)This is a ruler.
T: Class, Shohei gets the ruler from the back, so does he say?
Ss: What?
T: That’s right. Shohei, you return the ruler to the back, to Takeshi asking, “What?” And, Takeshi returns it to the back, to Maki saying “What?” When you get the ruler from the back, you say . . .
Ss: What?!
T: Right! And when you pass it to the front, what do you say?
Ss: This is a ruler.
T: That’s right. You repeat the same thing ? passing the ruler back and forth until the last person in the front of this line, Kaori, gets the ruler for the second time. Then, Kaori, you say, “I see.” Lift the ruler so that everyone knows that your group is finished.

このゲームをしていると、生徒達の “What?” という質問がひじょうに自然に聞こえてくるので、嬉しくなります。