The Alphabet: Capital letters アルファベット:大文字
The Alphabet: Small Letters アルファベット:小文字
Unit1 Alphabet Jingle アルファベットジングル
1: abcde
2: fghij
3: klmno
4: pqrst
5: uvwxyz
6: a to z
Unit2: Alphabet Jingle: Animals アルファベットジングル:動物
7: p and d(1) pとb (1)
8: p and d(2) pとb (2)
9: t and d(1) tとd (1)
10: t and d(2) tとd(2)
11: c and g(1) cとg(1)
12: c and g(2) cとg(2)
Unit3 Alphabet Jingle: Food アルファベットジングル:食べ物
13: First and Last Sounds(1) はじめの音と終わりの音(1)
14: First and Last Sounds(2) はじめの音と終わりの音(2)
15: First and Last Sounds(3) はじめの音と終わりの音(3)
16: First and Last Sounds(4) はじめの音と終わりの音(4)
17: First and Last Sounds(5) はじめの音と終わりの音(5)
18: First and Last Sounds(6) はじめの音と終わりの音(6)
Unit4 Alphabet Jingle: Things Around Us アルファベットジングル:身の回りの物
19: Vowels(1) 母音(1)
20: Vowels(2) 母音(2)
21: Vowels(3):an en in 母音(3)
22: Vowels(4):ag og ug 母音(4)
23: Vowels(5):at et it ot ut 母音(5)
24: Vowels(6) 母音(6)
Unit5 Alphabet Jingle: Verbs アルファベットジングル:動詞
25: Three-letter Words (1) 3文字単語(1)
26: Three-letter Words (2) 3文字単語(2)
27: Three-letter Words (3) 3文字単語(3)
28: Three-letter Words (4) 3文字単語(4)
29: Three-letter Words (5) 3文字単語(5)
30: Three-letter Words (6) 3文字単語(6)
Challenge Time: I Can Read! (1) チャレンジタイム:読めるよ!(1)
Challenge Time: I Can Read! (2) チャレンジタイム:読めるよ!(2)
Word Bank ワードバンク
Phonics Cards フォニックスカード
本:A4変形 50ページ フルカラー
FeaturesLearn the rules behind the sounds of the Alphabet letters through five types of phonics jingles (and learn 130 words at the same time!) There are many features to keep students interested and keen, resulting in greater ability. There is plenty of space for writing and lots of repetition for covering the basics. Food, animals, and common things around us are used as keywords for the jingles. There are two CDs for the book ensuring abundant listening. There are also 54 picture cards at the end of the book that can be cut out. The author has put all her experience gained in her English school and a private elementary school into this book.
★ This book is the Japanese edition of “We Can! Phonics Workbook”, published by McGraw-Hill. There are Japanese instructions printed in the book.