子どもと英語ニュース ~今月の新着記事~


著者に聞きました! 2018 mpi オリジナル絵本 アクティビティブックの制作までのストーリ



9冊同時発売はmpiでも初めての出版でした。このmpiオリジナル絵本 アクティビティブックの制作のきっかけは何でしたか?


10年ほど前、パトリシア先生と英語教育についてのセミナーで出会いました。お互いにバックグラウンドは違いますが、絵本が大好きなこと、子どもたちの自由な発想やイマジネーションを大切にしたいという思いなど、共通することが多く、あっという間に親友になり、一緒に絵本を書きましょうと約束しました。その後、紆余曲折を経て、2013年には共著の絵本を出版させていただく機会をいただきましたが、その間、ずっと数冊の絵本とアクティビティブックをセットにしたStory Boxの案も温めてきました。そして、今回、mpi松香フォニックスさんから、わたしたちの3冊の絵本を含めて、全9冊のmpiさんの絵本に沿ったアクティビティブックの著作のご提案をいただき、ふたりで速攻 “Yes!”とお応えしました。


Mari and I first met about 10 years ago through our shared love of picture books and their great value as a tool for teaching English. Soon after meeting, we started talking about a project to write picture books together with young English learners in mind, with accompanying activities that could be used at school or at home. We called our project “Story Box” and it started to take shape about 8 years ago. We imagined many stories and related activities in this “Story Box” that children could really enjoy. The first step towards realization of our dream was the publishing of a story we wrote together, “Lily and the Moon” by ELF Learning in 2013, along with an educational CD-ROM with 20 activities for the classroom. The next opportunity came with our introduction to mpi Matsuka Phonics and we found that we had many similar ideas. After 3 of the collaborative books written by Mari and myself were published by mpi (Milkshake Shake, Can We Be Friends? and A Trip to Grandma's House) we were so delighted to find out that Takemura-san, the President of mpi Matsuka Phonics, had a similar idea to our “Story Box” and we talked about how wonderful it would be to create a series of unique activity books that incorporate the 21st century skills, each one closely connected to one of the series of nine original mpi picture books. So that is the background to the creation of the series of 9 activity books.




これはとっても難しい質問ですね。(笑)ん~、どの「子」も可愛すぎて、一冊だけを選ぶことはできません。でも、好きなページでパッと思い浮かぶのは、Can We Be Friends?の「つくろう」のページです。色紙を使ってカメさんの甲羅を自由にデザインするという活動はこれまでも教室でしてきましたが、その甲羅の素材を、デザイナーさんがとっても素敵に作ってくださいました。このページを使って子どもたちと活動することをとても楽しみにしています!


Now that is a difficult question! If you had nine children and were asked which one you like best, how would you answer the question? I think we have poured so much time and affection into these activity books that it is impossible to name a favorite one. There are some activities that I particularly like, some activities that I think are particularly fun, some illustrations that are particularly endearing, but I can't name an overall favorite book.






The four categories of “Learning”, “Thinking”, “Creating” and “Playing” are based on the knowledge that Mari and I have built up through our long experience in teaching and interacting with children, the 21st century skill set, combined with an Active Learning approach, with an eye on the traditional skills needed to learn a language. We felt that these four categories, in connection with the story in each picture book, offer a deep learning experience for the child through solving puzzles, observing the world around them, expressing themselves, creating something and having fun.




まず、大切にしたのは、「レベルに応じた活動を提供する」ということです。このシリーズはレベル1,2,3に分かれていますので、それぞれの対象となる年齢や英語レベルを意識して活動を考えて行きました。たとえば、レベル1のMilkshake Shakeの「なかまさがし」のページでは、くだものと動物のことばのカテゴリー分けをしますが、レベル3のJack and Zakの同ページでは、体の部分と職業のことばに分けて、自分のなりたい職業について表現するという活動になっています。

もうひとつ大切にしたのは、それぞれの絵本の雰囲気やテーマを活動に反映させる、ということです。旅がテーマのA Trip to Grandma's Houseのボードゲームは、クマさんの家族がビーチに旅をする、という設定になっていて、お買い物がテーマのGoody Goody Gumdropsのゲームでは、お買い物のゲームになっています。


Firstly, we looked at confidence-building. The activities are carefully sequenced so that the child firstly gains confidence with simple, structured activities with vocabulary that comes up in the story and progresses to the use of a wider range of vocabulary and onto self-expression through creative activities and games. The aim of the activities and their order is for the child to gain a deep connection with and understanding of the content of the picture books, internalizing the vocabulary, thus enabling them to use the vocabulary and phrases to express themselves.






Creating books takes a lot more time than many people realize. For me, the initial stages of thinking up the ideas and activities was the most fun. But writing the instructions and making the hand-drawn pictures and cut-outs as a basis for our proposal for each book was only just the beginning. It was wonderful to see the professional designs produced under mpi's direction but the hardest part for me was after that, the checking and revising, checking and revising and checking again of the text and pictures. Many nights during this summer I didn't go to bed until the sun was almost up!







Self-expression, independent thinking, creativity, imagination and confidence in using English.






Please enjoy these activity books with your students or children. Be open to further learning experiences based on the content of the picture books or activity books. These activities may provide a springboard to jump to further activities that you or the children around you may come up with. Have fun with active learning and English!


ありがとうございました。お二人の熱い思いが込められたmpiオリジナル絵本 アクティビティブックを多くの人に使って頂くのが今から楽しみです。お二人に登壇をお願いしている2017 mpi kidsツアーが10月15日(日) in 名古屋を皮切りに全国4か所で開催されます。ツアーでは実際にどのように使ったら更に効果的なのか等、皆さんのスキルアップに繋がる内容満載のセミナーが開催されます。是非、足をお運びください。

2017 mpi kidsツアーのお申し込みはこちらから

mpiオリジナル絵本 アクティビティブックの特設ページはこちら
